Microdosing protocol
Our recommendation
Fadiman’s protocol works with a 3-day cycle which you need to follow for 8 to 10 weeks consecutive weeks
The routine
Day 1: Microdosing day
Day 2: Transition Day (no microdosing)
Day 3: Normal day (no microdosing)
Day 4: Microdosing day
This schedule repeats itself over the following weeks
Which dosage to use for micro-dosing
1P-LSD drops 10 mcg , 10 drops
1cP-LSD drops 10 mcg 10 drops
1cP-LSD dots/pellets 8-10 mcg 1 dot/pellet
Psilocime drops 20 mcg 10 drops
Psilocime pellets 2 mg 1 pellet
Taking potent substances like 1P-LSD and 1cP-LSD requires caution
Find your sweet spot
The most important step when micro-dosing for the first time is finding the ideal dosage. This is called the sweet spot. To be able to find this you can use the guideline that you should be able to function normally during your daily routines and social interactions.
In the event the dosage you took is too strong and doesn’t feel right you can take some dextrose of sugar-containing soda. Also, the herb valerian can sometimes have a calming effect.
In the event, it feels like the dosage is too low or you simply don’t feel anything, do not take another dosage but increase the dosage on your next microdosing day
Take notes!
Write a short piece of text during or at the end of the day or a few keywords about your findings and insights. Especially your insights are important. By taking a moment every day, to reflect on your day and your feelings, and then write them down, helps you to make your insights more concrete.
Pro tip: Some people always evaluate their day based on a few fixed points, such as Mood, Energy, Work, Sleep, Pain, Social.
Write a few notes every day about how your day was. Include how much work you did, how productive or creative it was, and how comfortable or uncomfortable it made you feel. Write down any change you feel in relation to other people. Record any changes in your mood, eating habits, physical strength, or symptoms of ailments. Noting these kinds of topics ensures that you are even more aware of microdosing. In this way it can really become an experiment for personal development. It is known that by keeping a diary, it becomes easier to convert the insights gained into concrete actions and life choices